President Trump is marking the start of African American History Month with a listening session. during the listening session before the press President Trump said On violence in Chicago: President Trump called the situation there “totally out of control.” Upon one attendee (more details to come) informing him that gang leaders want to sit down and talk about “how to reduce that body count,” POTUS said if those involved in the violence - and, presumably, city officials - don’t take steps curb the violence, “we’ll solve the problem for them.”
A list of attendees, per the White House:
Mr. Armstrong Williams, Howard Stirk Holding Broadcast Group
Mr. Darrell Scott, Pastor, New Spirit Revival Council
Ms. Belinda Scott, Wife of Darrel Scott
Mr. James Davis, National Diversity Coalition
Mr. Gerard T. Robinson, American Enterprise Institute
Mr. Earl Matthews, Lt. Col US Army (Retired)
Mr. Paris Dennard, Thurgood Marshall’s College Fund/ CNN Contributor
The Honorable Bill Cleveland, Former Vice Mayor of Alexandria, VA, Retired Capitol Hill Police Officer
Dr. Ben Carson, HUD Secretary-designee
African American Members of the Trump Administration
Ms. Omarosa Manigault, Director of Communications, OPL
Mr. Landon Davis, Department of the Interior
Mr. Ashley Bell, Department of State
Ms. Lynne Martine Patton, Department of Housing and Urban Development
Mr. Daris Meeks, Director of Domestic Policy, OVP
Mr. Ja’Ron Smith, Domestic Policy, Urban Development and Revitalization
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Wells, Political Affairs
Ms. Leah LeVell, Communications
Ms. Monica Alexander, OPL
Ms. Kara McKee